- Server Message Block (SMB) used to share files and other resources across a network
- Samba was developed for Unix-based operating system and uses Common Internet File Systems (CIFS) network protocol and is an implementation of the SMB protocol
- uses port 139 and 445
Interaction / Commands
connecting to a share
smbcluent -N -L //IP_Address
smbclient //IP_Address/share
use Remote Procedure Call (RPC) client
rpcclient -U "" IP_Address
- use to brute force user RIDs
- use SMBMap and CrackMapExec for enumerating SMB services
Query | Description |
srvinfo | server info |
enumdomains | enumerate domains |
querydominfo | domain info |
netshareenumall | enumerate shares |
netsharegetinfo share | info on specific share |
enumdomusers | enumerate domain users |
queryuser RID | info on specific user |
downloading files from SMB
get file.txt
sudo nmap IP_Address -sV -sC -p139, 445