
  • Server Message Block (SMB) used to share files and other resources across a network
  • Samba was developed for Unix-based operating system and uses Common Internet File Systems (CIFS) network protocol and is an implementation of the SMB protocol


  • uses port 139 and 445

Interaction / Commands

connecting to a share

smbcluent -N -L //IP_Address
smbclient //IP_Address/share

use Remote Procedure Call (RPC) client

rpcclient -U "" IP_Address
  • use to brute force user RIDs
  • use SMBMap and CrackMapExec for enumerating SMB services
srvinfoserver info
enumdomainsenumerate domains
querydominfodomain info
netshareenumallenumerate shares
netsharegetinfo shareinfo on specific share
enumdomusersenumerate domain users
queryuser RIDinfo on specific user

downloading files from SMB

get file.txt


sudo nmap IP_Address -sV -sC -p139, 445