
  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is used for electronic mail transmission over a network
  • Is unencrypted by default but can work with SSL/TLS encryption using the STARTTLS command
  • Prevents spam using protocol extension ESMTP with SMTP-Auth
    • Mail User Agent (MUA) converts email to header and body and Mail Submission Agent (MSA) / Relay server and Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for the SMTP server does checking for spam. The Mail Delivery Agent (MDA) is what sends it to the recipient.
    • Disadvantages include that there is no confirmation the mail has been delivered and users are not authenticated when they are sending emails
    • Extended SMTP (ESMTP) accomplished using STARTTLS command. You can also use AUTH service extension


  • Uses port 25 for starting a connection
  • If encrypted, it uses a different port (i.e. port 465)
  • Newer server use port 587 for authenticated clients using STARTTLS command

Interaction / Commands

AUTH PLAINauthenticating client
HELOclient logs in with computer name
MAIL FROMemail sender
RCPT TOrecipient
DATAstarts transmission of email
RSETstops started transmission
VRFYchecks mailbox message transfer availability, enumerates existing users
EXPNchecks mailbox messaging availability
NOOPclient requests response
QUITending session
telnet IP_Address 25
HELO Sender_Host_Name
  • Sender can use relay server, which means SMTP server can send spam emails and start communicating between different users. Can be misconfigured by setting mynetworks =, allowing anyone to send emails


sudo nmap IP_Address -sC -sV -p25
  • Use Nmap script to
sudo nmap IP_Address -p25 --script smtp-open-relay -v